Brilliant Burgers
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Brilliant Burgers

Prep Time:

5 - 10 Minutes

Cook Time:

20 minutes


6-7 Servings



About the Recipe

Want to make juicy restaurant quality burgers at home? With this recipe, you will learn how to turn a €4 of supermarket mince into 8 delicious burger pattys.


Burger Meat / Pattys

1 Kg of Standard Mince (should have 16 - 20% fat)

2 Eggs

1 large / 2 Medium Red Onions

A few handfuls of breadcrumbs

Steak / Beef Spices or Salt & Pepper


Brioche Burger Buns

Sliced Pickles

Crispy Onions

Cheese (Smoked Cheddar is my favourite)

Onion Relish



How to make €15 burgers for €1.50

Step 1

Cut the onions roughly.

Step 2

Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk thoroughly using a fork.

Step 3

In a bowl thoroughly mix the eggs, chopped onions, mince beef, a large handful of breadcrumbs and red onions together.

You can also add in seasoning. Any season that goes with beef or steak can be used. A salt, garlic & pepper combination will work too.

Shape them into burger pattys. 1Kg of meat can make 8 quarter pounder pattys.

Step 4

If cooking on a BBQ becareful if cooking directly over flame as it may spark. Preferrably cook on a flat surface.

If cooking in the house grill pan/skillets are best.

Use a spatualla to flatten the burger.

Step 5

Add your favourite extras. Cripsy onions, carmelised onion relish and mayo are a great combination.

Or lettuce, tomatoes, pickles & homemade burger sauce (mix tomato ketchup and mayo with a small bit of mustard).

Either way, I prefer smokey cheddar for cheese and brioche buns.

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