Terms and conditions | SavvySpender.ie
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Terms and conditions of use

We expect all members to abide by our terms and conditions It applies to the savvyspender.ie website as a whole, across the board in all comments, messages and posts and by registering on savvyspender.ie, you agree to adhere to these rules.

I. Members

  • Every savvyspender.ie user is a real person. Please respect their orientation in life and their opinions at all times

  • Choose a user name and avatar that is inoffensive and don’t try to imitate other users

  • Be tolerant. Trying to deliberately stir up arguments, upset members, or generally being disrespectful isn’t permitted

II. Content
The community and their expertise is the driving force behind savvyspender.ie so we try to take a liberal approach when it comes to what we can and can’t talk about on site providing all users are respectful toward one another.

As a general guide, we don’t permit the following; please respect our position in regards to this list-
Content is prohibited if it


  • Is illegal or encourages illegal behaviour

  • Is pornographic

  • Is intentionally disturbing

  • Contains malicious communications, swearing or soap-boxing

  • Is disrespectful to other people or groups of people, their views or beliefs

  • Impersonates someone or is personal or confidential information

  • Intentionally targets, harasses or bullies an individual or group of people, their views or beliefs

  • Is hate-speech or encourages hate-speech

  • Is spam or self-promotion, or otherwise incentivised

  • Contains the publication (whether text, video or image) of private messages without the consent of the sender

  • Contains discussion (threads or comments) relating to politics or religion

III. Behaviour
Users are expected to work with the rest of the community, not against it. As such, the following behaviour may lead to your user account being suspended or banned


  • Trying to break or interfere with savvyspender.ie and it’s usability

  • Attempting to derail threads, or voting in an unfair manner

  • Creating multiple usernames specifically to avoid user account restrictions or suspensions

  • Any other malicious use of savvyspender.ie is strictly prohibited

Enforcement and Communication.

We encourage users to report any content or behaviour which they feel should be reviewed by a moderator. If a user is attempting to upset you, try to avoid retaliation - use the report button and let site staff deal with the situation for you. If you or your content is reported, a moderator may contact you

  • Advising you that your content has breached our terms

  • For serious or repeat breaches, you may be temporarily suspended from savvyspender.ie, or you may have restrictions added to your user account

  • Your content may be moderated, edited or removed, depending on the type of problem

  • You may be permanently banned from the savvyspender.ie community if you can not respect the site, the guidelines and its users

  • Merchants and stores may also be banned from savvyspender.ie if they provide poor customer service, or attempt to self promote / incentivise posts on our site

Privacy Statement

  • As a member, you are fully responsible for your posts. If you change your mind about a comment you've made on the forum, you are able to delete it.

  • If you choose to delete your user account, please use the contact form. Upon deletion, your username, subscriptions and email address will be deleted from the system, however any comments you have made will remain on-site (they will be assigned to an anonymous user ID). This action is irreversible so please think carefully before requesting deletion.

  • You’re in control of the email address stored, and can amend this at any time.

  • We advise members not to use their real name as their username.

  • We will never share your email address with a third party. If a legal complaint is made about something you wrote on savvyspender.ie, you will be notified and given the option to delete or defend your comment

Site Staff
Moderators are here to help the community, and keep savvyspender.ie as user-friendly as possible. They do not make the rules on site, but their role is to support the community by enforcing site guidelines. Please respect their position and understand that they are real people, too.


  • If you disagree with a moderator decision, please email office@savvyspender.ie to send a brief description.

  • Admin will have the final say in any disputed decision and on all aspects of the forum.

  • The opinions and views of our members are not necessarily those of site staff or administrators

These rules and the terms and conditions can be changed or updated at any time, please check them regularly. By continuing to use savvyspender.ie you agree to follow these terms and conditions implicitly.

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